Weak Ass Position on Gay Rights

Love one Another

John 13:34-35 "I give you a new commandment: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you should love one another. This is how all will know that you are my diciples, if you have love for one another."

No Matter What - We Will Win, Hate and Ignorance will lose.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

“We just don’t get its”. March 16, 2007


It is the end of the week, March 16, 2007, and boy what a week it has been for “We just don’t get its”.

1. The Catholic Bishop St. Paul/Minnesota telling a group of Catholic clergy and laity, meeting to discuss ministry to the Gay and Lesbian Community that they may not have a Mass. New Ways Ministry is sponsoring this convention that is drawing about five hundred people. On this front I have no clue why the Bishop even cares since New Ways Ministry’s, the organization sponsoring the event, is not recognized by the Roman Church. On the other hand I have no idea why the event sponsors would make a big deal out of the Bishop’s megalomaniac response to a small group of Catholics trying to be Christ like by including everyone into the Body of Christ.

Have your Mass celebrate your Faith and the devil with the Bishop of St. Paul/Minneapolis. What's he going to do, send in those old farts from the Knights of Columbus on white horses with swords drawn to slay you? You are not going to make “him” love or respect you by cow towing to his demands, but for sure Christ will smile on you if you go ahead and be good representatives of His love and compassion for all creation.

On the other hand we all need to consider that the Roman Catholic Bishops are competing for "flock" against the second “I just don’t get it” of the week.

2. This week a Baptist Minister has suggested that “homosexuality” may be “nature” and not “nurture” or a "choice". Hooray for Rev. Albert Mohler. Oops, not so fast, he also suggested that in-uterus hormonal treatments could, in the future, solve the homosexual problem and that Christian families would embrace this. God bless his little heart and mind. To be honest if the Baptists would stop ordaining their ministers in-uterus the world in general would be a happier place.

3. General Pace – This is a sad story. If I had known that General Pace was such a bigot I would never have had sexual fantasies with him being the star. I still have only one General left and I am not sharing his name because the next thing I know you will all be pouncing on him and I will be left in the cold. In the meantime, General Pace, when he is once again a civilian, should be allowed to share his understanding of morality with anyone and everyone. On the other hand, when he is in the service of our Country, in uniform, he has an obligation to respect all American citizens, whether he understands them or not. During the past six years the denial of equal rights to Gay and Lesbian citizens of the United States has been the only domestic issue that Republicans have addressed. I would remind General Pace that his duty to this country applies to all of America and his religious beliefs are better left to him, his family and his god.

4. George Bush leaves town and everything falls apart? Not really, when the house of cards begins to crumble there is nothing that can save it, but the glue of truth. It is not likely that Karl Rove is the “Glue of Truth”, quite the opposite, he is the oil that will relegate this Administration in the dump heap of failure. Emails can kill you if you are not honest and truthful in every aspect of your life and your communication. The only people who should fear emails are those who have something to hide. Karl Rove and the current White House should never have had the ability use “email” they have too much to hide. So the first in a long string of scum will have to face “the people”, under oath and find another way to spin "their truth". It is going to be fun to watch as Karl Rove and numerous operative liars are subpoenaed. My guess is that the Attorney General will “fall on his sword” and “the people” will never get the truth.

5. Valerie Plame – I spent all day watching C SPAN and am wondering why that little ole fat f—k Robert Novak is not in jail for undermining the security of the American People. To be honest he should be in Guantanamo with all the other terrorists.

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