Weak Ass Position on Gay Rights

Love one Another

John 13:34-35 "I give you a new commandment: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you should love one another. This is how all will know that you are my diciples, if you have love for one another."

No Matter What - We Will Win, Hate and Ignorance will lose.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Magical Mystery Tour - Truth

Whoa, I guess I am on a Magical Mystery Tour of my life, hence, I am going back even further to when I was about 7 years old and was told I needed to have a pair of Rosary Beads which would cost me fifty cents. So where was a kid whose family was buying groceries on “the eye” (that was credit in those days) going to find fifty cents? All of a sudden the opportunity presented itself. I was sent to the store to pick up groceries and with the cash to pay off the “eye”. After all was settled and groceries in “arms” I trotted back from the corner grocery store with change in hand, minus the fifty cents that I placed into my pocket for my Rosary Beads.

Joe and Mona were the merchants who ran the grocery store. To be honest I never knew they were Jewish and my parents never expressed any anti Semitism that I ever heard, indeed we lived in a neighborhood that was changing because of the “great black migration” to the North. In addition, before the blacks, we were more likely to be persuaded to not like Italians.

But I digress. The point is that I was sort of going to blame Joe and Mona for the $.50 shortage in the change, but I can tell you that did not work, at all. Turns out my Mom trusted Joe and Mona and was always grateful for their kindness to our family. They knew when we were on hard times and they “waved things off” sometimes, actually most of the time. So “little Bart” underwent torture that would bring out the truth, even from the prisoners at Guantanamo. I jest of course, my mother was disappointed that I would lie; she thought she taught me better. When I saw the disappointment in her face that day, that day was the day I learned not to lie, ever again. I promised my Mother "that day" that I would never lie again and I have remained faithful to that promise to my mother. I am so glad I made that promise because my life has been easier because of it.

While I am not a believer in the Bible, as factual,there is something in the Bible that suggests that a liar should be tied to a stone and thrown into the waters, drowned. I would perhaps choose not to kill a liar, or anyone else for that matter but there is a lot to be said about that, not to mention the hypocrisy which liars are associated.

And so here we are a government full of lies, afraid to face the people, under oath, and to tell the truth. It is apparent to me that those in control of the Federal Government now did not have good mothers, like I did. Their Mothers did not have the integrity, the honor and the love that would make a child so young to commit to honesty. As a kid I could have caused damage to two wonderful people but my Mom would not be a part of that, she was a humble women but she was truly fond of truth.


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