Weak Ass Position on Gay Rights

Love one Another

John 13:34-35 "I give you a new commandment: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you should love one another. This is how all will know that you are my diciples, if you have love for one another."

No Matter What - We Will Win, Hate and Ignorance will lose.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Bad CEOs Should be Fired

When I was in 8th grade we were assigned a project to draw maps of South America and identify their economic contribution to the world. While I have forgotten of what each country, at the time, contributed I do remember that Columbia was of course Coffee another was rubber and another was cacao, chocolate.

Now you got to remember this was almost 40 some years ago. In those days you could go to the pharmacist and by empty capsules, which I did. I created a map of South America and on that map I glued little capsules containing the legal exports of the South American countries. Of course as a pre teen I needed to experiment. I don’t remember which country was famous for “salt” exports but I decided to ingest their capsule of salt. Big mistake, for sure, I threw-up. I have since blamed my high blood pressure problem on some South American country ever since, but still not sure which one.

So where am I going with this? Very simple, while I no longer know the economic contributions of countries south of our border, other then human labor, If I was shown a map I could pick out each country, whether labeled or not. For that matter I could pretty much point to any country, other then the newly formed countries as a result of the Soviet Union disbandment. But can most American’s do that? The answer is no. Indeed many leaders in high places think Greenland is in the tropics.

Which brings me to religion, and you ask how did I go from Geography to Religion? Simple, it’s all about ignorance. Do any Americans understand that the reason Religion is not taught in our schools is because some Protestants, now identified as Fundamentalist, were afraid that somehow the Catholic religion would take over. So once again “Fundamentalist” create ignorance. Not only have they created a stain on Catholics they have promoted ignorance in America about other religious beliefs to the extent that some of our elected officials and worse of all most Americans have no idea of the difference between a Sunni and Shiite Islamic.

For those who have no clue and continue to think that there is no Civil War in Iraq, here is the simple take….Sunni Arabs have controlled Iraq for, hummm, probably a century. Shiite Islam is pretty much a Persian sect, Iran and moving westward via Lebanon, but believers occupy the southern portion of Iraq. Shiite’s have been diminished under the rule of Saddam Hussein. Indeed, back in the first Gulf War President Bush, the good one was criticized for not moving into Bagdad and leaving the Shiite in the South of Iraq and the Northern Kurds to the mercy of Saddam. He knew what he was doing, he respected the cost to America’s treasury in lives and economic resources, his son, and the current President did not, has not and apparently will not.

The Global problem with this war is that if we leave now Iran will indeed control the world’s largest petroleum reserves. Not only that, they will be able to create a “crescent” of terror in the Middle East that will endanger our current way of living not to mention the fear that will ensue in the State of Israel.

So how do we solve the problem that George Bush has created and that his Secretary of State, in the words of Donald Trump, “she just keeps waving” but does not seem to be very effective? Simple, get rid of the problem. Since America is now all about corporate enterprise and rules then the failed CEO should be fired, at once.

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