Weak Ass Position on Gay Rights

Love one Another

John 13:34-35 "I give you a new commandment: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you should love one another. This is how all will know that you are my diciples, if you have love for one another."

No Matter What - We Will Win, Hate and Ignorance will lose.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Adultery OK- As long as it is Heterosexual

Senator Larry Craig from the great State of “I da ho” declares that he is not Gay nor has he ever been Gay, and I agree with him 100%. Identifying oneself as Gay or Lesbian is not something that should be taken lightly; doing so is for sure a “Badge of Courage”, courage that Senator Craig seems to lack. An announcement that one is Gay or Lesbian in the United States immediately secures your position as a “second class” citizen and Senator Craig has not earned that “right”. Slithering in public men’s rooms for sex while writing legislation to demean ten percent of the population does not qualify anyone for Second Class Citizenship and Senator Craig needs to re evaluate his approach for achieving the dignity of this classification. Senator Craig, from all accounts, is a homophobic homosexual, he is not gay, he is a very dangerous person, to the Gay and Lesbian Community and to himself.

All that said, as I see it Senator Craig never committed a crime. It seems, from the reports that I read, that he invited, via toe tapping and hand movements, a sexual encounter and he pleaded guilty to a “public nuisance” crime and for sure under emotional duress. Because of this he was demonized by the Republican Party, because and only because, it was a homosexual encounter. On the other hand Republican Senator Vetter, from Louisiana, who admitted to a crime of hiring and having sex with a prostitute, gets a free pass, because, and only because his encounter was heterosexual.

Every day, all across the USA, women are harassed by men in powerful positions. They have their butts pinched, they are threatened, either directly or indirectly with losing their jobs or passed over for promotions unless they submit to sexual advances. Women are constantly hit on in super markets, restaurants, bars, malls and in less courteous ways than what happened in the men’s room in Minneapolis Airport. Senator Craig never threatened anyone in that bathroom, he, from what I understand, was looking for sex but was not forcing himself on anyone, he gave a signal and the advance could have been totally ignored but because it was a homosexual encounter it became a major crime in the eyes of America’s “First Class” citizens.

Trust me I am not a Senator Craig fan nor am I am proponent of sex in public places, (get a room), but the obvious deconstruction of one Republican Senator who was “entrapped” and not caught in any real criminal act versus the acceptance of an adulterous Republican Senator who was not even censured secures the notion of a second class citizenship in this Nation.

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