Weak Ass Position on Gay Rights

Love one Another

John 13:34-35 "I give you a new commandment: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you should love one another. This is how all will know that you are my diciples, if you have love for one another."

No Matter What - We Will Win, Hate and Ignorance will lose.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Screwing Veterans-Not to Mention All Americans

I am posting this info as a result of a recent article in the Sarasota Herald Tribune regarding the outsourcing of Veterans health care by the Veterans Administration to HMO’s. While I understand and support the notion that Veteran’s living in areas not supported by VA Health facilities has to be addressed, it will not be surprising to me that those who run the HMO Insurance Companies will eventually leave our Veterans high and dry for some faulty reason and will leave a Veteran without any life saving recourse.
Any politician that does not investigate this absurdity by the Veterans Administration is not worth their weight in salt. It seems, once more, that this nation knows how to create Veterans, but has no idea or will to take care of them.
Thirty one years ago when I was a young accounting supervisor, for a major petroleum company I attended an annual seminar on employee benefits conducted by our Human Resources Department. As a young man I was impressed with the then Vice President of Human Resources suggesting that there was a crisis in the Health Care system in America. He knew then, back in 1976, that the healthcare system in the United States was heading for a fall. I began to think a little more about the issue and realized that most people are literally slaves to Corporate America in one way or another and since most health care insurance is tied to a person’s job one of the greatest limiting factors to the mobility, creativity and entrepreneurship in America is the limitations placed on Americans and their families by the so called “free market” by the rationing of Health Care and its favoritism towards wealthy Americans.

Americans have the opportunity to "seize the moment" and force their politicians to respond to their needs, all you have to do is shout out,loud and clear, I HAVE HAD ENOUGH, and mean it.

If the politicians do not respond, fire them. Take away their Health Care Insurance and see how they feel. If they are really wealthy, take away their wealth, via ridiculous taxes until they respond to the middle class.

No one needs billions of dollars to live a good life. But if it takes a billionaire to set things right then I am all for him.

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