Weak Ass Position on Gay Rights

Love one Another

John 13:34-35 "I give you a new commandment: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you should love one another. This is how all will know that you are my diciples, if you have love for one another."

No Matter What - We Will Win, Hate and Ignorance will lose.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

No One’s Civil Rights Should Be Decided by Referendum

In the 1960’s a number of legislative Civil Rights bills that granted rights to Black Americans were passed by the United States Congress and signed by the presiding President. If any of those issues were presented as Referendums to be voted on by the majority of Americans they would have all failed. If any of them were left to the States we would today have an America similar to what we had prior to the bloody and violent Civil War.
Today, all across America individual States are amending their Constitutions to deny the Civil Rights of a small and harmless minority which is only seeking the right to be who God created them to be.
Gays and Lesbians have served our Country with honor throughout our history, and have been demonized for doing so. Gays and lesbians have served the “Church” for centuries and have been demonized for doing so.
Peter Sprigg’s response (Peter Sprigg is vice president for policy at the Family Research Council)in the USA Today’s June 25th, 2007 editorial column suggests to me that he believes that any marriage that does not result in children is null and void. I think all American’s should take note of this fanatical thinking. Peter is suggesting that seniors who marry should not be given the benefits that Government offers to married people, folks who are married and do not conceive should not be given the benefits either, indeed according to his philosophy their marriages should be ended and not recognized by the “State”.
Peter’s organization seems to want to be the “determinator” of what Love and marriage is all about, they are not. He says people in Marriage “ are happier, healthier and more prosperous than people in any other living situation”. Yet he and his organization are willing to deny Gays and lesbians a happier, healthier and more prosperous life. I don’t get it.

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