Weak Ass Position on Gay Rights

Love one Another

John 13:34-35 "I give you a new commandment: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you should love one another. This is how all will know that you are my diciples, if you have love for one another."

No Matter What - We Will Win, Hate and Ignorance will lose.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The Vatican Support of Hatred and Laws to Imprison and Kill GLBT People Continues in the name of Jesus Christ

Today, December 10 the United Nations celebrates the 60th anniversary of Human Rights Day and for the first time in its history the UN General Assembly will consider, this week or next, the issue of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender rights.
There are 86 countries in the world (nearly half the countries on earth) that still have a total ban on gay men and a smaller number also have a ban on same sex between women, the penalty for being gay in these 86 countries range from a few years to life imprisonment. In a least seven of these counties the sentence is death.
The Vatican, while not able to vote, is very influential at the United nations and they have vehemently opposed the Declaration calling for the global decriminalization of homosexuality being presented by the French and fully endorsed by the 27 nations of European Union.
The Vatican is using a convoluted argument to justify its opposition to this declaration. Archbishop Migliore while referring to the Catechism’s passage on “unjust discrimination” also suggests that outlawing discrimination through a United Nations declaration would pressure states which do not recognize same-gender marriage to change their laws.
The Director of Vatican radio, Father Frederico Lombardi defended the archbishop’s remarks saying “no one wants the death penalty or jail or fines for homosexuals”. Really?
It has been suggested to me that the Catholic Church is against Capital Punishment under any circumstances but that is not totally true. Referring to the same Catechism, paragraph 2266 and in a later revision paragraph 2267, the Church “does not exclude recourse to the death penalty”
In other words, in order to protect society from “behavior harmful to people’s rights and to the basic rules of civil society” the Vatican can safely, in accordance with its rule book, defend its opposition to this proposed UN declaration and thus endorse the laws which deny basic Human Rights to a group of people that it feels is harmful to civil society, that being gay men and women who want to live peacefully and legally with their chosen life partners.
I know of no person who would act to deny any church or church leader the right to lead their flock in accordance with its rules. However it is a sad commentary that instead of supporting this UN declaration that would enhance the dignity of millions of people worldwide, the Vatican instead chose to stand on the side of tyranny.

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