Weak Ass Position on Gay Rights

Love one Another

John 13:34-35 "I give you a new commandment: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you should love one another. This is how all will know that you are my diciples, if you have love for one another."

No Matter What - We Will Win, Hate and Ignorance will lose.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

The Final Screwing of America - George W. You Could Have Used Some Lubricant

One would have thought that George W. Bush would have made some last minute attempt to save the image that he tried to create for Middle America. You know, the folks who thought him to be a God while all the time he was screwing them into poverty. The Middle, Middle Class who work hard every day at jobs which offer little reward other than a salary, health benefits and a small pension. Tedious jobs that go nowhere, have no personal reward other than providing shelter, place food on the table and fund the education of children.

Now G.W. and his Senate friends, friends who supported the bail out of their rich Wall Street comrades, are refusing to support an initiative to support the US Automobile Industry. Why? Very simple, they want to break the Unions, in this case the UAW.

I love it when College Professors complain that a UAW worker without a College education makes more money than they do. One complaint suggests that Auto Workers make 148,000 a year and college professors make 78,000 plus 27% in benefits. He doesn’t break down the benefit part of the UAW worker but he extracts that from the College Professor’s. He also says nothing about the paid Sabbatical time that College Professors get nor the fact that College Professors are doing something that they want to do, not something they have to do in order to secure their families. Keep in mind, a college graduate, or Professor, could always apply for a job building cars if their object was simply to make money. No one asked them to choose to be a College Professor, that was their choice.

But I digress, I was talking about G.W. Bush and how he screwed America. Do you remember Enron? Ken Lay was a big G.W. supporter. The fall of Enron should have alerted all American’s to the coming disaster. Enron was a company that had no production; it created nothing but speculation and caused a major energy problem in California. To be sure America, from Ronald Regan, Bill Clinton and G.W. we have persisted in selling off our manufacturing capabilities in the name of “Globalization”. That theory works for everyone except the soon to be gone American Middle Class.

The American Middle Class has become a victim of Capitalism. Capitalism as it is practiced in America today will reduce the American people to third World status.
George W. Bush has succeeded where Ronald Regan had failed, he has destroyed the American Dream.

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