Weak Ass Position on Gay Rights

Love one Another

John 13:34-35 "I give you a new commandment: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you should love one another. This is how all will know that you are my diciples, if you have love for one another."

No Matter What - We Will Win, Hate and Ignorance will lose.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Catholic Bishops - Misinformed or Just Plain Liars

I would like to respond to Frank J. Dewane’s , the Roman Catholic Bishop of Venice and his staff on their recent comments in a number of publications throughout Florida. The title of an article in Ft. Myers was “It isn’t discrimination, its tradition”. To be honest “tradition” should never trump reality. It was tradition to think that the world was flat and for centuries by Bishop Dewane’s Church. They, the Roman Bishops forced that theory on all humankind at the time. It is also certain that Bishop Dewane’s community of Bishops took it upon themselves to hide illegal abuse of children. I know they, the Bishops, want to forget their collusion and slide it under the rug but it is not going to happen as long as he and his Community of Bishops insist on perpetrating discrimination and crimes against innocent taxpaying US Citizens. The Roman Bishop pronounces that no one will lose any benefits by the passage of Amendment 2. The Bishop is either naive or a liar. The truth is that those promoting this initiative, when and if passed, will immediately pursue the elimination of domestic partner benefits. They did that in Michigan and Kentucky and when they can free up enough money from their Crusade in California they will do the same in every other State where these amendments have been passed. Bishop Dewane apparently has no real dog in this fight, as a bishop of the Catholic Church his Health Care insurance is fully covered, he will have a nice cushy place to rest his head every night in a Catholic Palace. I know that priests who want to speak out against discrimination are stuck in the reality of their circumstances and are fearful of being homeless should they speak truth to power. In the meantime people are struggling in this country, retirees are losing their nest eggs, people are losing their jobs, more and more people are becoming homeless and the only thing the Bishop of Venice seems to be worried about is diminishing the lives of same gender couples. I think the Bishop needs to stop taking his orders from a fax from the Vatican and start being a Pastor.

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