Weak Ass Position on Gay Rights

Love one Another

John 13:34-35 "I give you a new commandment: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you should love one another. This is how all will know that you are my diciples, if you have love for one another."

No Matter What - We Will Win, Hate and Ignorance will lose.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Gay Republicans? Say What?

For years I have been trying to describe Gay and Lesbian folks who vote Republican. Finally an Arizona state Representative Kyrsten Sinema put it in focus for me when she recently said “It’s kind of like being a deer and joining the NRA. Because come hunting season, they’re going to shoot you”. Indeed they will.

I understood being Gay and Republican, the “Big Tent” thingy, before the Republican Party decided to enter our bedrooms and started preaching that Jesus was offended by gays, as if Karl Rove, George Bush and John McCain have a full comprehension of what Jesus thinks. Jesus to Republicans is a means to an end, the end being, win elections at any cost, including their “immortal souls”. Democrats who believe in the Word of Jesus believe it to be a life style, feed the hungry, heal the sick, shelter the homeless and most of all love one another, pretty simple stuff.

I almost understood being gay and Republican when I thought about Republicans touting “fiscal responsibility”, but that certainly has gone down the tubes.

I thought well maybe Republicans are good for the security of our National Defense and that some gay people are afraid that the Mullahs will come here and start hanging Gays as they so in Iran. Hence, I started checking out the Military history of Republicans and realized that the best they could do is send some other persons kids to fight their “Republican Wars”.

I am convinced that Gay men and women, probably more men than women, who vote Republican are suffering from a “me too” syndrome. They want to be the model that Republicans seem to project, sort of like so many women want to be that skinny model that “Fashion” projects . They want to be really rich, they want to be “different” from Gay People yet have all the benefits of being gay, but in a closet.

The bottom line, in my mind, about Gays voting for Republicans is that they are ashamed of who they are and are desperately wanting to be something different, something they will never be. For sure a sad commentary about their lives.


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